ja tak na szybko, bo zaraz wyjeżdżam :). chciałam Wam życzyć wszystkiego dobrego w nowym roku i pijanego sylwestra!
po powrocie wstawię zdj. z wczorajszych zakupów
I do the fast, because I'm leaving soon:). I wanted to wish you all the best in the new year and a drunken New Year's Eve!
after returning inserts slide. from yesterday's shopping.
po powrocie wstawię zdj. z wczorajszych zakupów
I do the fast, because I'm leaving soon:). I wanted to wish you all the best in the new year and a drunken New Year's Eve!
after returning inserts slide. from yesterday's shopping.
happy new year to you too!!!!
i hope you are having the most amazing holidays ever!!!!!
your blog is awesome! :D
OdpowiedzUsuńI'm loving it, gonna follow u :)
Mariana - justaplacetogetlost.blogspot.com
are you from Szczytno, right? which school? ; >
OdpowiedzUsuńand you should more work with your English 'cause grammatically is not good..